How to cope with allergies while traveling
Many tourists are suffering from allergic reactions when traveling. The use of unusual food, pollen, exotic plants, dust in the hotel rooms, terminals, terminals and even water can cause this problem.

Runny nose, itching and rashes, watery eyes, sore feeling in the throat - is it possible to enjoy a day of sightseeing with these symptoms? In severe cases of allergic asthma attacks can occur that will result in the need to travel to hospital admission.

One way of solving this problem is to advance the use of antihistamines. Consult your doctor who will prescribe you the necessary means to travel. You will take one tablet a day, with no side effects you feel.

But what if you have not visited a doctor in advance and still allergic started during the trip?

• First, try to determine the cause of allergies. This is necessary to reduce the influence of the allergen to the body. If you eat exotic food, no longer do it. If you are allergic to the dust in the room, ask the staff to wet cleaning. Also, always keep the windows open to reduce the levels of dust in the room.

• Drink a sorbent that is sure to have in your medicine cabinet traveler. Also, you can buy it over the counter without a prescription. Carbol tablets are cheap in any country in the world. Use absorbent daily until the stored allergy.

• If you suspect an allergy causing pollen exotic plants, look in my bag any ointment or oil-based (suitable even cream). Salve or cream nasal mucosa before going out. Fat is a natural barrier to allergens, which does not allow them to be attached to the mucosa. Also wash the nasal mucosa with soap and water after coming back from the street.

• Use a candy mint and eucalyptus to reduce the feeling of sore throat. This recommendation does not relieve an allergic reaction, but only remove one of its symptoms.

• Drink plenty of water or juice. This will speed up removal of allergens from the body naturally.

Contact your doctor immediately if you have a fever or signs of suffocation. In this case, you will need professional medical help.

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